By selecting vendors that drive the most clinical and financial value for your organization, you are investing in the overall success of your benefits programs. In this webinar series, we will answer questions around value-based vendor selection, what it takes to implement alternative payment arrangements, and what a partnership with value-forward vendors can unlock for you.
Webinar Series | Investing in the Success of Your Benefits Programs

How Sonrava Health implemented value-based vendor selection for their health benefits program

Kevin Simes
Director of Total Rewards, Sonrava Health
Frank Cheung, FSA, MAAA
CEO & Co-Founder, AccordedHow does value-based vendor selection and contracting work in practice? Accorded CEO, Frank Cheung, talks to Kevin Simes, Director of Total Rewards at Sonrava Health about how he successfully implemented a value-based vendor selection process to choose point solutions that can drive the most clinical and financial value for his specific population. They will also discuss the experience of moving to value-based arrangements and how understanding cost of care outcomes has opened up opportunities to improve Sonrava’s benefits program.
Tackling the Rising Cost of Mental Health: Strategies for Employers

Sandra Kuhn, MSW
Head of Commercial Enablement, Headspace Health
Frank Cheung, FSA, MAAA
CEO & Co-Founder, AccordedWith 76% of U.S workers reporting at least one mental health symptom in 2021, how should employers be thinking about mental health when it comes to the upcoming plan year? Headspace Health offers members high-quality, on-demand mental healthcare and is dedicated to delivering measurement-based care and validating its outcomes. Accorded CEO, Frank Cheung, will discuss with Sandra Kuhn, Head of Commercial Enablement at Headspace Health, about ways to address the rising cost of mental health and considerations for cost-benefit analysis during vendor selection.
Taking the lead on vetting financial ROI for vendor selection

Ariela Simerman
Senior Product Manager, Accorded
Sophie Kim, ASA
Senior Actuary, AccordedOne of the most intractable challenges facing benefits teams is understanding the cost of care impact of existing and new healthcare vendors. By assessing vendors based on standardized and actuarially-rigorous systems, not only are you able to compare vendors based on their clinical and financial value, but you can also easily demonstrate your data-driven purchasing decisions to internal stakeholders. Learn more about how a financial ROI intelligence platform enables benefits leaders to maximize healthcare investments by assessing impact on member cost of care.